Dynamic Branding in NeoBrutalism: A Bold Identity for a Startup

Kristina Volchek: Senior Product Designer & Design Mentor 👩🏼‍💻 Mobile, Fintech, Growth Design, Web3, Health & Fitness, eCommerce

Kristina Volchek

Oct 17, 2024 · 3 min read

Neobrutalism Bento Box UI | Neo brutalism trend, Startup Bold Brand Identity, Dynamic Branding (by Freeelance Product Designer & Growth Design Mentor Kristina Volchek)

Meet Techgroove, a vibrant and dynamic startup from Italy transforming value and loyalty programs into real, measurable engagement.


Techgroove had a bold vision: to break the mold and stand out in an industry dominated by outdated, old-school visuals. They weren’t looking for just another cookie-cutter tech brand—they wanted something bold, fresh, and full of energy.

After falling in love with the neobrutalism style on my website, they reached out to have me design their brand and website. The goal? A brand that felt reliable and down-to-earth, but still young, fun, and dynamic. Plus, they wanted to ditch the usual team photos and go for a comic book hero theme instead. With all that in mind,  we got to create a brand that truly reflects who they are.

Neobrutalism Logo with Eyes | Neo brutalism trend, Startup Bold Brand Identity, Dynamic Branding (by Freeelance Product Designer & Growth Design Mentor Kristina Volchek)


For the initial moodboard, I focused on finding brands that felt fresh, strong, and modern — something that immediately grabs your attention and stands out. I wanted to capture the energy that leaps off the screen, a mood that encourages you to be bold, vibrant, and feel understood.

An interesting input from the Techgroove team was their love for the color purple, inspired by the Sahasrara chakra. Located at the top of the head, it symbolizes the connection to the higher self and the divine, which added a deeper, spiritual element to the moodboard.

Neobrutalism Moodboard | Neo brutalism trend, Startup Bold Brand Identity, Dynamic Branding (by Freeelance Product Designer & Growth Design Mentor Kristina Volchek)


After presenting the moodboard and discussing it with the team, I dove into visual explorations. Normally, I focus on two directions, but this time I explored three. I wasn’t sure how bold and playful Techgroove wanted to be or if they’d prefer something more serious.

The first direction was a playful twist on a text logo, replacing the “oo” in Techgroove with eyes that could later serve as a logomark for social media and the website. The second was even more playful, featuring a lemon-shaped logomark with eyes. The third direction leaned more classic and safe, inspired by sound waves, which tied back to their name.

Neobrutalism Visual Directions | Neo brutalism trend, Startup Bold Brand Identity, Dynamic Branding (by Freeelance Product Designer & Growth Design Mentor Kristina Volchek)


Once we all agreed on the first direction, which the team loved, I moved on to the typography and color scheme. Initially, I was unsure about using italics, but after experimenting — especially with the hero section and logo — it became clear that italics gave the typography the energy and movement it needed. It felt dynamic, like it was pushing forward, just like the Techgroove team.

Neobrutalism Typography Urbanist Bold Italic | Neo brutalism trend, Startup Bold Brand Identity, Dynamic Branding (by Freeelance Product Designer & Growth Design Mentor Kristina Volchek)

That’s how Urbanist Bold Italic became the core font for the brand and website titles. To amp up the strength and boldness, we went with Urbanist Bold Italic in all caps for the titles, adding even more punch and aligning perfectly with the team’s energetic vibe.

Neobrutalism Typography | Neo brutalism trend, Startup Bold Brand Identity, Dynamic Branding (by Freeelance Product Designer & Growth Design Mentor Kristina Volchek)
Neobrutalism Typography Urbanist Bold Italic | Neo brutalism trend, Startup Bold Brand Identity, Dynamic Branding (by Freeelance Product Designer & Growth Design Mentor Kristina Volchek)


A challenge with neobrutalism is the risk of overusing bold colors, which can overwhelm the design. For Techgroove, I found a way to keep the neobrutalist energy by limiting the color palette for better balance. Fewer accents make each one more impactful.

I went with a minimalist palette but with bold, attention-grabbing colors that pop in all the right places. To balance these, I used plenty of white space, simple black, and light grey.

Neobrutalism Minimalist color palette featuring bold accent colors | Neo brutalism trend, Startup Bold Brand Identity, Dynamic Branding (by Freeelance Product Designer & Growth Design Mentor Kristina Volchek)

The visuals — like the logomark, illustrations and icons — are intentionally loud and saturated with these bold accents. But when using accent colors in the background, I paired them with simple black illustrations to keep things balanced.

By keeping the palette minimalistic and balancing the usage, I stayed true to the neobrutalist style without overloading the design.

Neobrutalism Loud and vibrant illustrations and icons | Neo brutalism trend, Startup Bold Brand Identity, Dynamic Branding (by Freeelance Product Designer & Growth Design Mentor Kristina Volchek)


This case study highlighted the journey of creating a bold, dynamic brand identity for Techgroove using a neobrutalist style. From a minimalist yet vibrant color palette to playful, energetic visuals, we built a brand that truly reflects their vision and sets them apart in their industry.

The new branding is now live on their website, and the team is thrilled with how it turned out, aligning perfectly with their energetic, innovative spirit.

In my next case study, I’ll dive into how we approached the website design and how it complements the new branding.

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Neobrutalism Logo with Eyes Social Avatars | Neo brutalism trend, Startup Bold Brand Identity, Dynamic Branding (by Freeelance Product Designer & Growth Design Mentor Kristina Volchek)

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Neobrutalism Bento Box UI | Neo brutalism trend, Startup Bold Brand Identity, Dynamic Branding (by Freeelance Product Designer & Growth Design Mentor Kristina Volchek)
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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.